Reason to SMILE #38 - Are you feeling like you don’t really matter? Then this SMILE is for you!! |

Reason to SMILE #38

Reason to SMILE #38 - Are you feeling like you don’t really matter? Then this SMILE is for you!! |

You are not a joke.

You are not a reject.

Your life is not a waste.

You are not an accident. 


For you were wonderfully made

by the God of all Creation. 


You have a purpose that is filled with hope.

You are precious in the Father’s eyes.

You are loved and wholly accepted.

You bring God joy for you are ALIVE


You are alive and you can SMILE today!

A Year of Smiles – Day 38

Reason to SMILE #38: YOU ARE ALIVE


You are not a joke.

You are not a reject.

Your life is not a waste.

You are not an accident. 


For you were wonderfully made

by the God of all Creation. 


You have a purpose that is filled with hope.

You are precious in the Father’s eyes.

You are loved and wholly accepted.

You bring God joy for you are ALIVE


You are alive and you can SMILE today!

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